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Open Patient
Open Patient

To open a patient:

  • Click the Open Patient icon or select Patient/Open Patient from the Main Menu

    • Note -  A list of patients that have been opened during a user session is available from the Patient menu (Recent Patients).  Use this list to re-open a patient that you opened earlier in a session

  • Search by Family Name (a minimum of two letters is required) or by UR/MRN

  • If the patient you are looking for is not found and a Search PAS button is displayed, click this button to search the patient administration system for the patient

  • If the patient you are looking for is not found and a Search <Health Service Name> button is displayed, click this button to search other Smart Health medical groups in your health service for the patient

  • Otherwise, select New Patient to create a new patient in Smart Health.

Duplicate Patients
  • If a user searches for a patient that has more than one UR/MRN in the same practice (medical group), a warning message will be displayed (multiple patients with the same UR/MRN).

  • An administrator will need to merge these patient records before the patient can be opened in Smart Health.
Emergency Open Patient
  • Smart Health’s Emergency Open Patient allows a user to open a patient for whom that user does not have consent.

  •  This feature prompts the user to enter a reason for opening the patient:

  •  It also records the use of this feature in the audit log and sends an alert to the scheme administrator

Patient's GP
Patient's GP

Smart Health supports the recording of a patient’s GP.

  • Navigate to Patient Details/Providers and Consents in the navigation tree

  • If the GP field has not been completed, click Edit and select the GP field

  • Select Provider (to select a specific, individual GP) or Medical Group (to select a GP practice)

  • Select the patient’s GP from the list, or if not found in the list, select Other Provider/Other Group

  • Search using the Provider’s family name (or Practice name), using the minimum number of letters that are needed (this will help to avoid missing a provider or practice due differences in spelling)

  • Select the provider or practice if found, or if necessary, select New User or New Medical Group

  • Enter the provider’s or medical group’s details and click OK; the system will display any possible matches – please ensure that none of these are the provider or medical group you are looking for before creating a new entry.


Smart Health supports the automated sending of letters to GPs if the GP’s practice subscribes to the secure messaging system used by your health service.  To check whether the GP practice is subscribed to a secure messaging system:

  • Right click the GP field and select User Info

  • In the User Info dialog box, right click Medical Group and select Medical Group Info

  • Look in the Secure messaging field to see if identifiers have been defined for any secure messaging providers

Patient Administrative Data

Patient Details

  • Patient Details displays a summary of the major fixed elements of the patient record.

  • Each tab in Patient Details displays additional patient detail:


  • Demographics

    • If Smart Health is linked to your PAS, the Refresh from PAS button allows you to update this patient’s details from the PAS.

    • Click the Edit button to enter details if the patient is deceased:


  • Insurers and Identifiers


  • Contacts

    • Click a contact person’s name to display his or her details.

    • Click Edit to edit the patient details, including contact information.


  • Family/Social


  • Medical Alerts

    • Click a medical alert to see the details for that alert.

    • Click Edit to edit the patient’s medical alerts.

    • Select alerts to add to, or remove from, the current alert list and click the arrows between the panels to update the lists. Add new alerts by typing the details in the bottom pane and clicking Add.


  • Allergies

    • Click an allergy to see the details for that allergy.

    • Click Edit to edit the patient’s allergies.

    • Select allergies to add to, or remove from, the current allergy list and click the arrows between the panels to update the lists. Add new allergies by typing the details in the bottom pane and clicking Add.


  • Providers and Consents

    • The GP is the patient’s usual general practitioner.  Smart Health may send notifications/clinical documents to the GP automatically.

    • Associated Medical Groups are practices that have access to the patient’s health records with the Smart Health shared health record repository.  Smart Health maintains the patient’s unique identifiers that are associated with these practices.

    • Click Edit to edit the patient’s provider and consent details.

© 2022 Smart Health Solutions

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