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Multidisciplinary Team Meeting Management (MDT MMS)

Please take a moment to run through the training material for the MDT MMS.

The MDT MMS is a cloud-based information system that supports multi-disciplinary patient management for:

  1. Non-cancer MDT Meetings (Cystic Fibrosis, Patient Watch and more under development)

  2. Cancer MDT Meetings (tumour stream specific meetings and meetings with multi-tumour streams)


The MDT system supports:

  • Pre-meeting set-up

  • In-meeting data capture and review

  • Post meeting information dissemination and reporting

Features of the MDT MMS include:

  • Integrated patient demographic and clinical data in a patient-centric health record

  • Capture of diagnostic and staging data, including support for staging schemes

  • Automated feeds from hospital and private diagnostic systems

  • Patient agendas and healthcare provider attendance

  • Patient lists for pathologists and radiologists

  • Automated sending of patient reviews to GPs and referring specialists

Key functions of the MDT MMS are:

  • Prepare patient MDT Reviews before meetings, including highlighted mandatory fields

  • Send meeting agendas and diagnostic service preparation lists to relevant participants and specialists

  • Review patients’ MDT Reviews during the meeting, including mandatory data, which is highlighted and must be captured prior to or during the meeting

  • Finish Meeting, which closes the meeting, automatically re-schedules undiscussed patients and sends patient MDT Reviews to GPs and referring specialists using secure messaging.

Add Patient to Meeting

Patients cannot be added to a Meeting while it is being edited; click Save to save the Meeting before adding patients to the meeting.  Yellow fields are mandatory.

  • Click “Add” to add a patient to the meeting

  • Search for the patient (two or more letters of Family Name, or UR/MRN)

  • If the patient is found, select the patient

  • If the patient is not found, select “Search PAS” and repeat the search (UR/MRN only)

  • Complete the Add Patient details

  • Add Pathology and Diagnostic Imaging preparation details if available

  • If you add Pathology or Diagnostic imaging details from a private laboratory, send an email to the Meeting coordinator to let the coordinator know.

Meeting Preparation

Before the Meeting:

  • Open each patient’s MDT Review by double clicking the patient in the Meeting record

  • The patient will be opened and the MDT Review displayed

  • Update as much information as possible in each patient’s MDT Review

    • Provisional diagnosis

    • Patient history

    • Anatomical pathology results

    • Diagnostic imaging reports

  • Yellow fields are mandatory and must be completed, before, during or after the meeting, before the MDT Review can be saved final.

During the Meeting

During the Meeting:

  • Update each attending provider’s Attendance status (this is important for Medicare billing)

  • Double click to open each patient (the patient’s MDT Review will be displayed)

  • Update the patient’s details, including:

    • Synopsis data, if required (note mandatory fields)

    • Meeting Notes (discussion)

    • Treatments and recommendations (note mandatory fields)

    • Diagnosis, including Stage (note mandatory fields)

    • Providers for follow up with the patient

  • When a patient has been discussed, select the patient in the Meeting view and click “Discussed”

  • Mandatory data is highlighted and must be captured prior to or during the meeting. This information is essential to completing the automated sending of patient reviews to clinicians and to making patient data available for research and reporting.

Finish Meeting (usually completed by the MDT Coordinator)

At the end of the meeting:

  • Check that all patients’ MDT Reviews are Final (if they have been discussed)

  • Click “Finish Meeting”

Patients that have not been discussed will be added to the agenda of the next Meeting for the same tumour stream (if a meeting exists)

For Patients that have been discussed, their MDT Reviews will be attached to Letters and these will be sent to the hospital EMR, to the patient’s GP and to other providers that appear in the MDT Review:

  • Via your health service's secure messaging provider (Healthlink, ReferralNet, Argus, etc.) if the provider’s practice is a secure messaging subscriber and its secure messaging identifier is recorded in the MDT MMS, or

  • To the print queue, for manual distribution

Providers who are MDT MMS users will receive an MDT MMS Alert that the patient’s MDT Review is available to be viewed online.

© 2022 Smart Health Solutions

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